Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m terribly sorry to say that the wings are finished.
General consternation.
Pilot: But don’t worry we still have chicken breasts and thighs.
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Pilot: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m terribly sorry to say that the wings are finished.
General consternation.
Pilot: But don’t worry we still have chicken breasts and thighs.
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He is risen indeed!
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A leader at one of the pilot children’s clubs says,
Before you [the team I work with] came,
we were working with the children with our finger nails.
Now we are working with our hands.
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It’s been a bloody couple of weeks here in Colombia.
First, 11 members of the Colombian army
died in an ambush by the FARC.
Now comes news of the death of 35 FARC rebels,
in attacks by the Colombian army.
I was struck by the difference in the way the bodies were treated.
The soldiers’ bodies were returned to their families
in coffins draped with the Colombian flag,
whereas body bags containing the rebels’ bodies,
were dragged along the ground on their way to be identified.
That’s the difference that comes from dying on the wrong side of the law.
But their mothers’ pain will be exactly the same.
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And finally, as Colombia held its breath
to see if the liberation of soldiers and policemen
promised by the FARC would happen,
I read a terribly sad article about civilian hostages of the FARC,
many of whom are presumed dead,
but whose loved ones have never
received their remains
or any final confirmation of their fate.
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I read about people who were extradited
to the United States by mistake
because they happened to have the same name
as a crimimal,
or because of identity theft.
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I discovered that 60% of the people in rural areas
don’t have access to clean water
and that rural illiteracy is 18.5%.
And that 70% of food produced in Colombia
is produced by small peasant farmers.
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I read about babynarcos
very young men who are 3rd generation
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I also read that 40,000 million pesos (£14 million, $22 million)
have been ‘invested’ (=stolen) in water delivery in Carmen de Bolivar
(near El Salado, where I was last year)
over the last 40 years
and the people still don’t have a drop of clean water to drink.
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Sometimes I like to browse through Semana,
Colombia’s weekly news magazine.
This week I read that three of the best Hard Rock Cafés in the world
are in Medellín, Bogotá and Cartagena.
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