Today I went to get a T-shirt printed as a goodbye present for a friend. The shop was a hive of paisa industry with orders being taken, stencils being cut out and the T-shirts being stamped.
As I explained my design to a helpful young woman, another member of staff was looking for images of Pablo Escobar. “I need the one that says Pablo,” he said, impatiently.
“You’ll have to get that off the Internet,” someone suggested.
And indeed, around the shop were several designs of Medellín’s most notorious narco-criminal.
In stark contrast, was the lady getting a pile of T-shirts printed with a variety of different Bible verses.
The one that I was able to read upside down and back to front was: “She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak,” from Luke 8:44, which was an intriguing choice to be printed on a T-shirt, I felt.
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